Boxing Beta - Season 3 Update! Rewards, meta changes, ranked adjustments, maps, cash trading, and more - Update (2025)

Update · April 28th, 2024

Hello all! We’re just released season 3! This includes combat changes, ranked adjustments, new rewards, new maps, new emote, cash trading, and more!

New season 3 code

Use code “s3” for some cash! Thank you for playing Boxing Beta, and giving us feedback! We couldn’t do it without you!

Cash trading

We’ve added the ability to trade cash within the trading system. This should allow you to value gloves more fairly within the game, as well as acquire gloves for straight cash.

Boxing Beta - Season 3 Update! Rewards, meta changes, ranked adjustments, maps, cash trading, and more - Update (1)

Reworked Venice map!

We’ve reworked the Venice map! While we preserved the aethetic of the map, we wanted to keep the new map more social, increase the quality of the map, and make it easier to find ranked players.

Boxing Beta - Season 3 Update! Rewards, meta changes, ranked adjustments, maps, cash trading, and more - Update (2)

S3 new rank values and elo gain changes

We made it slightly easier to climb into silver, gold and emerald with new S3 ranked elo changes. However, in return, you now gain 50 elo instead of 100 when first being placed. This should help players in bronze and silver see a more balanced pool of players being ranked into silver.

Boxing Beta - Season 3 Update! Rewards, meta changes, ranked adjustments, maps, cash trading, and more - Update (3)

Additionally, the bronze server is now separate from iron, and we don’t have an iron server. This should allow the bronze server to act as its own

S3 Ranked population adjustments for a smoother climb

We expect there be more more bronze players, and more emerald players. This will reduce the amount of silver players, which should give more pride to being silver, as well as bronze. This means that you need to better than a consistent amount of players during a majority of your skill climb during the game, instead of being better than a different proportion. This should help smooth our the climb.

Boxing Beta - Season 3 Update! Rewards, meta changes, ranked adjustments, maps, cash trading, and more - Update (4)

New S3 ranked rewards

Of course, season 2 rewards are now tradable, and we have some new S3 rewards and gloves, made by IDontHaveAUse. For completing S2 you’ll get a new glove.

Boxing Beta - Season 3 Update! Rewards, meta changes, ranked adjustments, maps, cash trading, and more - Update (5)

S3 Combat adjustments

We’ve adjusted combat meta for the new season by working closely with the community. The goal is to prevent all forms of spamming from being effective, and instead allow for varied and more balanced gameplay. We’ll be monitoring this closely to see if the game continues to be fun, but we think these changes will help slow down the game a bit, while reducing spammed dodges that slow down matches as whole.

Boxing Beta - Season 3 Update! Rewards, meta changes, ranked adjustments, maps, cash trading, and more - Update (6)

Spam punch number adjustments

We noticed spam punching was a bit too powerful. We want timing to be a more important part of the game. Thus, we nerfed power punch point game and damage to block, which punishes spamming fast punches. We increased block the reward for blocked punches, which rewards players for blocking.

  • Decreased power punch damage to block from 30 health → 25 health
  • Decreased punch to health power punch point gain from 3 points → 2 points
  • Decreased punch to block power punch point gain from 1.35 points → 0.5 points
  • Increased blocked punches to power punch gain from 0.25 → 0.5 points
  • Decreased block regen gain after a punch from 2.5 seconds to 2.25 seconds

Dodging stamina adjustments

While most dodging is fine, we’ve noticed back dodging is still a too strong in allowing repositioning, especially when chained. In real boxing, dodging so frequently will wear you out. The biggest change here is the second dodge will cost 17 stamina instead of 9 stamina.

  • Increased dodge stamina regen timing from 0.8 seconds to 1 second
  • Increased regen rate from 11.47 to 12 points
  • Adjusted dodging costs from 7, 9, 14, 20 stamina → 10, 17, 20 stamina

Punch damage adjustments

We adjusted the punch variants to allow for a larger timing window. This will slow down the game a decent amount, while still rewarding fast punches in a good timing window.

  • Adjusted punch variants from 3, 6, 8 damage to 2, 4.5, and 9 damage
  • Additional block damage is 2, 3.3, 5.5 damage to 1, 3, and 6 damage, rewarding slower punches more.

New push emote

We’ve added a new push emote to the shop, which lets you actually push people in-game!

Boxing Beta - Season 3 Update! Rewards, meta changes, ranked adjustments, maps, cash trading, and more - Update (7)

Bug fixes and minor adjustments

We’ve made a few minor bug fixes including…

  • Building punch bags should no longer prevent your custom gym from loading in many cases
  • Season 2 ranked leaderboard is prepared, but we’re validating elo-farmers before we publish it!
  • Removed the count down (of course!)
  • You can make adjustments to the trade window!

We’ll be listening closely so please do NOT hesitate to give any sort of feedback!

Thank you all,Studio Koi Koi

Boxing Beta - Season 3 Update! Rewards, meta changes, ranked adjustments, maps, cash trading, and more - Update (2025)
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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.