You've got an explainer video proposal! (Advanced Mode -> Other -> Edit explainer video list)
{{ $t('Language') }} Iceberg editors:{{ editor.username }}, You must log in and add yourselfask the creator of this iceberg to add you as an editor in order to edit this iceberg Creator text:(shown below the iceberg, use [[name]] to link to your icebergcharts account, u/name for reddit, @name for twitter) Tags:{{ tag.split("_").join(" ") }}, tag proposals:{{ tag.split("_").join(" ") }}, (helps people find your iceberg through the tag search and is used for grouping them on the category pages) | |
Tip: lighter colors usually work better {{ }} | |
{{ category.marker }}marker icon missing! | |
{{ $t('Sort entries in each level alphabetically') }} {{ $t('Sort entries in each level numerically') }} {{ $t('Sort entries by given order') }} {{ $t('Sort entries in each level randomly') }} {{ $t('Reverse level order (top level becomes bottom, second top becomes second last etc.)') }} {{ $t('Reverse order of entries within all levels') }} | |
Index: |
{{ $t('Videos that explain this iceberg') }} {{ }}{{ explainer.comment }} | |
For videos that do not explain the iceberg, but may be relevant to the topic | |
Link Prefix - If used, where no link is given, prepend a URL to the name of the entry and use that.Entries in the .csv will overwrite existing entries in the iceberg with the same name.If you want to delete all existing entries, select "Show reset and delete buttons" below the iceberg, then "Delete all entries"
This box is for the CSV method. In Google Sheets, Excel or LibreOffice, set up your sheet like this:
Three columns: Name, Description, Link (name the first row like this)
Use one or more empty rows to indicate the change to the next level
Descriptions and Links are optional
How to export:
Google Sheets: File->Download->Comma-separated values (.csv, current sheet)
Excel: File->Save as->Save as type: CSV (comma delimited)
LibreOffice: File->Save As->icebergname.csv [Field delimiter: ,] [String delimiter "]
{{ }}
{{ }}{{ category.marker }}
{{ }}
{{ "x".repeat( }}
{{ }}{{ getByKey(iceberg.subcategories, subcat).marker + ' ' }}{{ }}
{{ getByKey(iceberg.subcategories, subcat).marker + ' ' }}
- Proposals:
- Name: {{ }} Description: {{ proposal.description }} Link: {{ }} Category: {{ proposal.category }}Subcategory: {{ subcat }} Proposed by: {{ proposal.proposer }}
{{ level.description }}
{{ level.description }}
{{ toDate(iceberg.lastedit) }}, {{ entries }} entries
What do the entry decorations mean?
Underlined entries have links
Overlined entries have descriptions
Highlighted entries have been added or updated recently
{{ $t('made by') }}{{ }}{{ }}{{ $t('created') }}{{ $t('with') }}, background by {{ iceberg.backgroundsource }}
{{ proposalstatus }}
Please describe which entries contain forbidden content
{{ report_result }}
{{ $t('Explainer videos') }}
{{ $t('Relevant videos') }}
By loading the explainer videos you agree to the Youtube privacy policy
Relevant Icebergs:{{ relevant.split('_').join(' ') }}, Recommended Icebergs:{{ relevant.split('_').join(' ') }},{{ $t('Comments') }}
{{ $t('Site created by') }} void4, {{ $t('CSS stolen from') }} suricrasia
Discord,FAQ,{{ $t('Terms of Use') }},{{ $t('Privacy') }},{{ $t('About') }}